Jun 4, 2020
Today it’s great to have Dr. Martin Seligman on the podcast. Dr.
Seligman is Director of the Penn Positive Psychology Center, the
Zellerbach Family Professor of Psychology in the Penn Department of
Psychology, and Director of the Penn Master of Applied Positive
Psychology Program. Commonly known as the founder of positive
psychology, Dr. Seligman is a leading authority in the fields of
positive psychology, resilience, learned helplessness, depression,
optimism, and pessimism. He is also a recognized authority on
interventions that prevent depression, and that build strengths and
well-being. He has written more than 250 scholarly publications and
20 books, including Flourish, Authentic Happiness, Learned
Optimism, Character Strengths and Virtues (which was co-authored
with Chris Peterson), and his autobiography The Hope Circuit: A
Psychologist’s Journey from Helplessness to Optimism.
For detailed show notes and more information, please visit